1814 Faberge’s father Gustav born of Huguenot origin in
Pernau on the Baltic
1841~2 Gustav Faberge becomes a master goldsmith in
St Petersburg and opens a shop at 12 Bolshaya
Morskaya. He marries Charlotte Jungstedt
1846 Peter Carl Faberge born in St Petersburg, 30 May
1857 August Holmstrom (1829-1903) joins Gustav
Faberge’s business as head jeweller
1860 Gustav Faberge and his family move temporarily to
1861 4 Carl Faberge travels through Europe as part of his
apprenticeship in Frankfurt, Florence and Paris
1862 Faberge’s brother Agathon born in Dresden
1864 The Faberge family return to St Petersburg and Carl
Faberge joins his father’s business
1866 Gustav Faberge starts to supply the Imperial Cabinet
1867 Carl Faberge works voluntarily at the Hermitage
Museum, repairing antiquities and acting as an
appraiser of metalwork and jewellery acquisitions
1872 Carl Faberge takes over his father’s business. Erik
Kollin (1836-1901) becomes head workmaster.
Faberge marries Augusta Jakobs (1851-1925)
1874 Birth of son Eugene Faberge (d.1960)
1876 Birth of son Agathon Faberge (d.1951)
1877 Birth of son Alexander Faberge (d.1952)
1882 Faberge awarded the gold medal at the Pan-Russian
Exhibition, Moscow. Carl’s brother Agathon joins the
1884 Birth of son Nicholas Faberge (d.1939). All four sons
later join the family firm
1885 Faberge appointed Supplier to the Court of Tsar
Alexander III. The Tsar commissions the first Imperial
Easter Egg. Faberge awarded a gold medal at the
Nuremberg Fine Art Exhibition for his copies of the
Scythian Treasure (discovered at Kerch in the Crimea
in 1867)
1886 Michael Perchin (1860-1903) becomes head
1887 Faberge’s Moscow branch opens and is managed by
Allan Bowe
1894 Eugene Faberge joins the firm
1895 Death of Agathon Faberge. Carl’s son Agathon enters
the firm
1897 Carl Faberge is awarded the royal warrant for the
courts of Sweden and Norway
1900 Faberge exhibits at the Exposition Universelle in Paris
and is awarded the Grand Prix. He is decorated with
the Legion d’Honneur. The Odessa branch of the
firm is opened
1901 Faberge supplies the Imperial Easter Egg known as
the Basket of Flowers Egg (now in the Royal
Collection) to Tsar Nicholas n
1902 Exhibition of ‘artistic objects and miniatures’ at the
Von Dervis Mansion, St Petersburg. The Basket of
Flowers Egg is among the exhibits
1903 The London branch of the firm, managed by Arthur
Bowe, is opened at Berners Hotel. Henrik Wigstrom
(1862-1923) succeeds Michael Perchin as head
1904 The London branch moves to Portman House, Duke
1905 The Kiev branch of the firm is opened
1906 The London branch moves to 48 Dover Street
1907 H.C. Bainbridge takes over as manager (with
Nicholas Faberge) of the London branch
1908 Faberge is appointed court jeweller and enameller to
the King of Siam
1910 Faberge supplies the Imperial Easter Egg known as
the Colonnade Egg (now in the Royal Collection) to
Tsar Nicholas II
1911 The London branch moves to 173 New Bond Street
1914 Faberge supplies the Imperial Easter Egg known as
the Mosaic Egg (now in the Royal Collection) to Tsar
Nicholas It
1915 The London branch is closed
1918 Faberge’s St Petersburg headquarters is closed and he
emigrates to Switzerland
1920 Carl Faberge dies in La Rosiaz, Switzerland,
24 September